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ESG ratings consultation
April 3, 2023

Time does not permit me to do justice to everything that is happening in and around sustainable investment at the moment, however keeping tabs on what is happening in the regulatory arena is crucial. So… with apologies for brevity, and a promise to look extremely closely at this paper as soon as we can – […]

UK Green Finance Strategy 2023
April 3, 2023

On 30 March 2023 the government published its updated Green Finance Strategy. Related papers include: Green Finance Boost for Nature – a framework to develop growth in green finance in UK Green Finance strategy welcomed by FCA  A quick skim tells me this important paper is likely to be welcome and useful (both climate and […]

Latest IPCC climate change report
March 29, 2023

This blog is to flag the importance of the 20 March 2023 IPCC climate report, which you can access in full here. The final section of the media release, linked here, is particularly relevant to the financial services community: …Enabling sustainable development There is sufficient global capital to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions if existing […]

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