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Fund EcoMarket

the sustainable, responsible and ethical investment information hub


Ukraine tragedy highlights need for intermediaries to understand sustainable fund strategies

March 14th, 2022

Ukraine tragedy highlights need for intermediaries to understand sustainable fund strategies [see summary version published in Investment Week 15 March 2022] SRI Services has surveyed the managers of sustainable responsible and ethical investment funds to ask whether they hold – or held – direct investments in Russian companies. The purpose of this research was to […]

SRI Services & Fund EcoMarket February 2021 newsletter

February 23rd, 2021

  Here is the link to our most recent newsletter – published yesterday. To subscribe to our newsletter please sign up here. This includes information on the new filter options (under the header of the filter field they sit in) that we have added to Fund EcoMarket to reflect recent market developments. An explanation of […]

Fund EcoMarket roundup and top 100 searches in 2020

January 6th, 2021

  Happy New Year…   I very much hope you and yours are well and coping with the situation we find ourselves in once again. COVID, aside (and that is the last time I will mention it) 2020 was another great year for SRI Services. This blog is to give you a quick overview of how […]

June 12th, 2020

Newsletter link… Our most recent update with tons of recommended reading and viewing from our wonderful fund partners in these lovely lockdown days… Download our 11 June 2020 newsletter here. (https://mailchi.mp/7adbcf7a374a/pr1jpbda8k)   Happy clicking! Julia   ps One small gremlin crept in  … the link to our updated company site www.sriServices.co.uk is https://www.sriServices.co.uk available here.

March 2020 newsletter link

March 31st, 2020

SRI Services & Fund EcoMarket 30 March newsletter now available… No prizes for guessing what it majors on – although we remain hopeful so please ‘Save the Date’ *** 21 October 2020 *** for our annual conference, once again in the Barbican, London. Newsletter link here: March 30 2020      url link:  https://mailchi.mp/1804433c1d4e/sriservices-and-fund-ecomarket-news-coronavirus-edition

Coronavirus and ESG – some early (personal) reflections

March 27th, 2020

This has undoubtedly been a memorable (and pretty miserable) week, month and indeed quarter. My first thoughts, when the horrible seriousness of Coronovirus started to become clear, may however have been a little different from some in that they were not entirely negative… Aside from the fears about relatives – my mother-in-law is recently bereaved, […]

July Newsletter

July 22nd, 2019

Here is the link to our latest occasional newsletter – sent out on 18 July 2019.  This include comments on and links to information on recent developments in the ESG / SRI market – as well as ‘in house’ news. Also – a big welcome to Aberdeen Standard Investments our newest supporter! … And a […]

April ‘inSRI’ newsletter link

May 2nd, 2019

For a quick round up of our activity (Feb – April 2019) and other SRI related news (that will hopefully be of use to financial services intermediaries!)  here is a link to our latest ‘inSRI’ Newsletter.  This includes a big ‘welcome’ to EdenTree our most recent sponsoring partner!         https://mailchi.mp/c28ca44c4068/sri-services-and-fund-ecomarket-news-april-2019  

Link to our February 2019 newsletter

March 6th, 2019

  February newsletter link here.    

Newsletter update from SRI Services

November 30th, 2018

  Following on from a rather busy few months here are some news highlights and links to  recent activity, published this morning in our SRI Services & Fund EcoMarket newsletter (click this link for formatted version or see text and links below.)   ====== SRI Services &  Fund EcoMarket news (and beyond!) (For UK based Financial […]

Latest inSRI newsletter

May 17th, 2018

My newsletters seem to be becoming increasingly rare …  however one was eventually finalised and issued today! You can read about Fund EcoMarket updates and SRI news via today’s newsletter here. Topics include recent article links, news and the date of our next Good Money Week event! Happy browsing!

inSRI newsletter January 2018

January 31st, 2018

Our long overdue inSRI newsletter which was sent out today is available here. It includes a range of information, tips and links on the following: Government reviews that are relevant to SRI Industry developments Fund news Fund EcoMarket updates and reminders, downloads Event information (Quilter Cheviot and Transparency Taskforce) A request for comment on how we can improve […]

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ESG ratings consultation
April 3, 2023

Time does not permit me to do justice to everything that is happening in and around sustainable investment at the moment, however keeping tabs on what is happening in the regulatory arena is crucial. So… with apologies for brevity, and a promise to look extremely closely at this paper as soon as we can – […]

UK Green Finance Strategy 2023
April 3, 2023

On 30 March 2023 the government published its updated Green Finance Strategy. Related papers include: Green Finance Boost for Nature – a framework to develop growth in green finance in UK Green Finance strategy welcomed by FCA  A quick skim tells me this important paper is likely to be welcome and useful (both climate and […]

Latest IPCC climate change report
March 29, 2023

This blog is to flag the importance of the 20 March 2023 IPCC climate report, which you can access in full here. The final section of the media release, linked here, is particularly relevant to the financial services community: …Enabling sustainable development There is sufficient global capital to rapidly reduce greenhouse gas emissions if existing […]